Unless noted otherwise, the fight must happen within one week of the scheduled date or it will be graded no-action. Venue changes within the same country will not affect the status of pending wagers – they will still have action. However, when the venue is moved to a different country, pending wagers will be no-actioned.
When the bell sounds to begin the first round, the bout will be considered official for betting purposes, regardless of the scheduled length or title.
If either fighter fails to answer the bell for the next round then his opponent will be deemed to have won in the previous round.
In the event of a fight being declared a ‘No Contest’ all bets will be void and stakes returned, with the exception of markets where the outcome has already been determined.
If the scheduled length of the match is changed, all prior wagers on the number of rounds of the bout will be graded as ‘No Action’.
Each round is three minutes in duration; a half-round is defined as ninety seconds. When wagering on total rounds, please note that a line of 9 1/2 ROUNDS, MEANS 1:30 INTO THE 10TH ROUND! Nine complete rounds, plus 1:30 of the 10th. UFC Championship Fights: Each round is 5 minutes in duration, a half round is defined as (150) One Hundred and Fifty seconds. When wagering on totals rounds, please note that a line of 1.5 rounds means 2:30 into the 2nd round. One complete round, plus 2:30 of round 2.
For wagering purposes, the disqualification of a boxer during a match will be counted as a knockout by his opponent.
If the wagering offer on a match includes the draw as a third option and the match ends in a draw, wagers on the draw will be paid while wagers on either fighter will be lost. If the wagering offer includes only the two boxers — with the draw either not offered or offered as a separate proposition — and the match ends in a draw, wagers on either fighter will be refunded.
In situations not covered by the previous rules, the wagering decision announced by the Don Best Sports information service will be considered official and binding.
For any instances not mentioned here, Las Vegas wagering rules apply.